
About #2C

Number one contenders seem to be the only contenders to get any publicity, and that’s just not right. Welcome to the Number Two Contenders, a blog for those who don’t mind being second best to the second best.

Let’s get one thing straight: We’re not in the news business. We have no inside information, we don’t rub elbows with any sources, and we certainly don’t know any more than you do. This is opinion, folks. Spur of the moment, poorly thought out, unadulterated opinion. The opinions of two men who’ve spent a good portion of their lives watching wrestling, and even more time discussing and griping about it.  

Whether its perusing the vast archives of the WWE Network, musing on what happened on RAW or that most recent Pay-Per-View, or just bantering about whatever wrestling topic comes to mind, you can count on the opinions of the Number Two Contenders. 

Are we wrong?  Probably.  Will that stop us?  As Gorilla Monsoon was fond of saying, “Highly Unlikely”.
The Teacher has been a wrestling fan since he saw Bobby Heenan riding a camel backwards at Wrestlemania IX.

While visiting his grandmother, The Teacher discovered a local video store with a treasure trove of old WWF Pay-Per-Views.  He developed a vast knowledge of 80’s wrestlers as well as destroying pillows galore with gut-wrench suplexes and Argentine back-breakers.

Through his monthly perusal of Pro Wrestling Illustrated as well as designing his Saturday morning chore schedule around shows like Live Wire and WCW Worldwide, The Teacher continued to soak up wrestling.  He may be the only person to choose to pick up the Jim Neidhart “New Foundation” action figure.

In the late 90’s, The Teacher moved on to bigger and better things, like dominating WCW vs. the World on the Sony Playstation and doing his darndest to watch both RAW and Nitro simultaneously on a single television.

In college, The Teacher discovered a kindred spirit in Doc Manson, spending far too much time watching and discussing wrestling rather than your traditional college-type activities.

Having spent the last few years observing from afar due to the trials and tribulations of real life, The Teacher was saved by the arrival of WWE Network.  Unable to resist the allure of thousands of hours of content, our hero dives back into the world of pro wrestling, hoping to entertain and inform his worldwide classroom as one of the Number Two Contenders.

Originally a fan of the WWF throughout the late 80's and 90's, Doc Manson fell off the professional wrestling fandom-wagon right around the time Mankind faced the Undertaker in a broiler room brawl. Needless to say, Doc Manson made a good choice to completely stop watching wrestling throughout the Attitude Era and the Monday Night Wars, only largely considered to be the best and most prosperous time in the entire history of professional wrestling. Cold Stone Steve Who?

Luckily, Doc Manson was saved from a life completely lacking of interesting hobbies by THE TEACHER, whom bestowed upon Doc Manson a renewed love for the now-WWE and wrestling in general. Sitting there in that dorm room, watching the buildup to Wrestlemania 20 on a 13" CRT television, Doc Manson found entertainment, and its names were Bill Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar. 

Undergrad came to an end, but school didn't. Doc Manson maintained a strong love of wrestling throughout the many, long years of pursuing a doctoral degree in cellular biology. Doc Manson is now proudly the only doctor writing about professional wrestling on the inter-webs, at least until facts can prove otherwise. Join the good doctor as he waxes kayfabe in his recurring series, Lab Works, and as he shoots on all aspects of the wrestling industry in The Mad Scientist

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