
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bloggers Wanted: Number Two Contenders (May) Want You!

If you’re a fan of Number Two Contenders, and I truly hope you are (otherwise, reading this is very peculiar), you’ve noticed that lately we’ve had a pair of “substitute” contenders join us to share their opinions.  Both Kyle (@RasslinWithLife) and Shannon (@Love2HulkSmash) did an outstanding job with their initial posts here at #2C and I expect that both will be returning to this space sooner rather than later.  In fact, their posts have been so popular and we had such fun having them on board that we’re hungry for more.

To that end. . .

Are you a fan of professional wrestling?  Do you have strong opinions on the subject, both past and present, that you feel needs to be shared with a rather small but growing audience?  Have you ever considered starting a blog but, be it from fear, ignorance or just pure laziness, have never gotten started?  Are you able to throw a few sentences together without your spell-check going haywire?  

If so, The Number Two Contenders might want you!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The NXT Day: Championship Week Edition!

It was Championship Week on NXT, despite only 2 of their titles being up for grabs.  Still, a solid NXT from top to bottom, though as with WWE, I always seem to enjoy the undercard more than the main event.

On with the show!

Walk Away On Top: What has to happen with Charlotte

There is no question that Charlotte is the best women’s wrestler in NXT, and in my mind, very little question that she’s actually the best in the entire WWE.  Every week, I see something I’ve never seen before - this week it was the Figure 4 that she then bridged - I had a ‘mark out’ moments the likes of which I haven’t seen since I was 10 or 11.

In fact, every time I watch a match of hers, I can’t help thinking 2 things, the latter being much more scandalous than the former.

  1. Charlotte could very well be the best women’s wrestler in history by the time she’s done.
  2. Charlotte might be the best wrestler with the last name of Flair in history.

When It's Not Quite Hell in a Cell...

If you were to take 100 average WWE fans and ask them about Hell in a Cell, the vast majority of them would immediately talk about Foley’s brush with death during his seminal Cell match with Undertaker.  Some might also mention the bloodbath that was Michaels vs. HHH, back in the day.

Last year’s CM Punk vs. Ryback match is likely not going to be on the top of many wrestling fan’s minds when HIAC is brought up, and after watching it last night, I can totally understand why.  It was a boring, boring match.  No blood.  Very few high spots, save for Punk’s beatdown of Heyman after defeating Ryback and some quite creative suplexes Mr. “Feed Me More” gave to the future GFW World Champion...

See what I did there?  Got your attention, didn’t I?